Aug 25, 2020

Blackberry Mojito Recipe

What to do with blackberries?

Make blackberry syrup,

then make a blackberry mojito!

Last year, I spent two days cutting down blackberry vines in my yard. This year, they're back in full force. I read that dumping boiling water on the roots will kill them, but I haven't tried this yet.

I'm trying to live off my land as much as possible this summer - I have blackberries everywhere - they're food, might as well eat them - or drink them!

Here's how to make a blackberry mojito. I adapted Natalie's recipe from Tastes Lovely and Dana's recipe from Minimalist Baker to suit my taste.


  • 2 oz rum
  • 2 oz blackberry syrup
  • soda water
  • 7-10 mint leaves
  • 1/2 lime (quartered)
  • 1 cup crushed ice


  1. Grab a  highball glass 
  2. Add mint leaves, lime wedges, rum and blackberry syrup. 
  3. Muddle with the base of a wooden spoon if you don't have a muddler. 
  4. Make sure the limes are muddled and the juice is squished all through that goodness. 
  5. Stir it up a bit. 
  6. Add crushed ice. 
  7. Top with soda water and garnish with a wedge of lime. 
Stir it up from time to time as you're cocktailing - it keeps the melting ice flavoured with the blackberry mint lime rum goodness!

Check out my Pinterest for more cocktails.

Doused in Mud Soaked in Bleach