Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts

Sep 19, 2014

Ingrid Bergman on the kiss

photo from the collection of Stacy Reynaud

A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature to stop speech 
when words become superfluous.

Aug 25, 2014

Quote of the Week - Leonard Cohen

from the collection of Stacy Reynaud

There are always meaningful songs for somebody. People are doing their courting, people are finding their wives, people are making babies, people are washing their dishes, people are getting through the day with songs that we may find insignificant. But their significance is affirmed by others. There’s always someone affirming the significance of a song by taking a woman into his arms or by getting through the night. That’s what dignifies the song. Songs don’t dignify human activity. Human activity dignifies the song.

more Cohen from the same interview here

Jun 20, 2014

Quote of the Week - Kierkegaard

Boredom is the root of all evil - the despairing refusal to be oneself.

Jun 11, 2014

Quote of the Week - Edgar Allan Poe

 from the collection of Stacy Reynaud

It is by no means an irrational fancy that, in a future existence, we shall look upon what we think our present existence as a dream.


Apr 24, 2014

Quote of the Week - some guy in the 70s

The price is outrageous, but so is the quality.

Mar 21, 2014

From the Archives - The Duffel Bag Mystique

The Gold Rush 1898 duffel bag evolution - Chilkoot Pass Alaska

Even the word duffel bag conjures up images of three day old stubble and mud caked motorcycles all interwoven with vetiver, tobacco, musk and dirt.

Lost treasures from both Kurt Cobain and the Rolling Stones have been found in duffel bags. The duffel bag as Ark of the Rock and Roll Covenant?

Whatever it may be, the duffel bag only gets better with age.

Mar 4, 2014

Vintage Chanel

Christy Turlington

Jan 3, 2014

Quote of the Week - Henry David Thoreau

There is no remedy for love but to love more.

Dec 18, 2013

Quote of the Week - Henri Poincare

Science is built up of facts, as a house is built of stones; but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a heap of stones is a house.

image from the collection of Stacy Reynaud

Dec 4, 2013

Quote of the Week - Albert Einstein

from the collection of stacy reynaud
The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.

Nov 19, 2013

Quote of the Week - Bleak House | Charles Dickens

I only ask to be free. The butterflies are free.
Katherine Hepburn is cooler than me.

Sep 26, 2013

A discount in my shop

stacy reynaud

While I'm working on designing the Shop Bijou Living website I've added a few items to my little Bijou Living Etsy store. To show you my gratitude for hanging out with Bijou Living, I'm offering a 20% rebate for my chums. The rebate will be issued by me via Paypal after the purchase and is valid on the product, not the shipping. It cannot be applied to my current Facebook promotion.

Here's what you do:
  1. Go to my shop
  2. Add the item to your cart
  3. Add the note - bijoulivingblog - in the note to seller box 
  4. Select payment method
  5. Submit order

Thanks again for your support!

Aug 28, 2013

Recent Manic Thrift Store Finds

Apparently, folks with BD tend to head toward mania at the end of summer - supposedly due to the change in light. Well, part of mine is thrift shopping. I go on binges once a month three days before my period, (five days before that I'm an exercise freak). So, considering it's the end of summer and 28 days has just passed - I'm now having what I'm going to refer to as the End of Summer Manic Sale! 

stacy reynaud
Might as well sell now because I know in the winter when I'm sitting here all depressed in the rain the last thing I'm going to want to do is muster up enough gumption to sell stuff!

If I didn't go through these episodes I would have never had the immense success I've had in my life doing what I love. I'm very lucky to have a supportive husband who understands and can say, 'Hey, you're doing that shopping thing again'. However, when he told me the other day that if he could have any interiors style it would be Italian minimalist I felt a little bad.

stacy reynaud
My style - a mash up of Scandinavian, bohemian, 70s beach chic is pretty much the furthest away from Italian minimalism you can get! Having said that, I've introduced him to Swiffers so he can at least visualize a sleek Italian surface.

stacy reynaud
Don't get me wrong, I'm not desperate to sell stuff - everything I've bought I love and I buy with the intention to sell. I put a lot of effort into my sourcing. The pieces I've chosen are high end, quality pieces not a bunch of crap that I shoved in a basket because I was out of control. Everything is vintage and most is from the early to late 1970s.

 stacy reynaud
So, if you're interested, I'm uploading stuff to Etsy, Craigslist and eBay and of course you can also message me and let me know you read this post and we can work something out.

From top:

  1. Nils Jonsson Trio credenza - not listed yet but soon
  2. Denby Mayflower - Etsy
  3. Gucci Horse-bit navy leather shoes - Etsy
  4. Peacock chair, love seat and basket chair - Craigslist
  5. Peacock chair - Craigslist
  6. 1970s BC stoneware ceramics - not listed yet but soon
More stuff to come!

Thanks for hanging around.

Aug 9, 2013

Vintage Peacock Chair - Emmanuelle Chair

I was probably around twelve when I first saw this image of Marilyn Monroe taken by Milton H. Greene.

Since then, I've wanted one of those wicker chairs - well a peacock chair to be exact - they just look so cool every time I see one in a photo.

Back in the winter of this year I bought one off Craigslist for $25. Damn right it looks cool, but that's about it. The only type of chair I can think of that is as close to as uncomfortable as this type are those plastic white slatted folding outdoor chairs (like this).

 See blondie there in the white sweater? That just about sums up me sitting on the chair!

At least Flo finds it comfortable.

Aug 3, 2013

This Song | This Color | This Photo

You know those times when you're bombarded with something so much in such a short period of time? Well, over the past 24 hrs I've had three things do it to me.

This color I posted about yesterday,

this song

Explanations? Thoughts? Willful exaggerations?

Jun 10, 2013

1986 Vintage Gucci Flats

I've been hanging on to this Vogue 1987 vintage Gucci post for awhile and then boom - here they are on eBay. Of course, not in my size. The auction ends today and they're a size 10. Get them and tell me how cool they look okay.

Jun 7, 2013

Annual Purge Yard Sale | Saturday June 8th

stacy reynaud

Coincidentally, I purged my closet last weekend and our pal Rachel has decided to have a yard sale this weekend. It's a purge so everything will be super cheap. I'm selling mainly clothes - and some Danish stuff. We'll be set up by the West End Farmer's Market.

View Larger Map

Jun 5, 2013

One - Two - Sold

You know the old 'truth', in the 'power of three', (my marketing instructor self speaking). Consumers love threes. Don't give us too many choices! Once you see something three times, act on it. Case in point, black cane rocking chairs. I was going to buy one for $50 from a lady in Kelowna two weeks ago but forgot, (the one above). Now in the last 24 hrs I find two saved on my computer.
 Mom and Dad, are you coming down soon?

May 5, 2013

Uncivilized Cards from the 70s

I sometimes find these tacky things at thrift stores. 
What was with the 70s anyway? So sloppy and uncouth. Now pass the Grey Poupon if you will.

Mean-Spirited Greeting Cards from the 1970s by LosPeep

Doused in Mud Soaked in Bleach