Like a small budget, a small space calls for imagination and efficiency.
The stovepipe light above casts a warm glow and provides an accent to furniture groupings. The piece is created from lengths of galvanized stovepipes in six and eight-inch diameter sizes. You can find stovepipe and other jewels at Habitat for Humanity ReStore or your local hardware store.
What to do:
- Cut the stovepipe into five lengths ranging from 16-30 inches, and buff the sections to the desired shine.
- Cut five discs from 3/4 inch plywood to fit tightly in the bottom of each tube.
- Attach a ceramic fixture and standard wiring to each disc (found at a hardware store).
- Insert mini-spot bulbs into the fixtures.
- Insert the discs into the tubes.
- Cut to size, and place the entire unit on a 3/4 inch plywood base.
- Spray paint the base black.
**Don't use oversize or high wattage bulbs because they will overheat. If the pipes become too hot or need ventilation, drill small holes near the base of each tube.
Remember, imagination, time, and a willingness to do it yourself are all you need to make your decor plan effective and keep your budget on track.
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