Feb 23, 2009

Trend Spotting - The Tuxedo Jacket

A 123 year old symbol of sophistication, your tuxedo jacket aka dinner jacket, shouldn't be hanging in the back of your closet till the next 007 theme party or your burial. Pull it out and put it on with your favourite t-shirt and jeans and watch what happens.

How to wear your tuxedo jacket?

Wear your tux jacket casually with jeans. For some great casual tuxedo jacket looks try William Rast, Costume National, Iceberg, Neil Barrett, Alessandro Dell'Aqua, Miharayasuhiro
Wear it with any of these shirts.

vintage loose fitting military tank

vintage Dutch military undershirt dyed black

Japanese military officer's wool undershirt

Buddhist Punk

Russian naval shirt
vintage Metallica t-shirt

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