May 6, 2010

West Coast Modern Residential Tear Down

Designed in 1967 by Canadian architect and contemporary to Arthur Erickson, Daniel White. Renovated in 1987 - can you tell? Currently for sale at $2.2 million FIRM.

The house - minus the addition - has a beautiful layout that I wouldn't mind having reproduced once I win the $20 million lottery so I can afford a house in Vancouver, of course. For a tongue in cheek look at Vancouver's ridiculous real estate prices, check out

Black mould included

Termites included. Yes, those are termites on the floor too.

The wallpaper was gold gilt. How about those towel holders/closet door handles?

stacy reynaud

A very Suzy Hoodless before Suzy Hoodless style bathroom!

The leaky roof included. Vines were growing up under the door, but I couldn't hold my breath any longer to take a pic.

Lovely clean walls and carpet. The mantle top was mirrored

The yard is overgrown as the house has been vacant for years. It's basically a wild bird sanctuary and absolutely gorgeous.

The view of the South West

and to the South East

Summer Breeze