Jun 4, 2010

How to Wear a Beard

Philip Crangi has more than good tattoos and jewelry...

I prefer fur. I think it started when I was a little girl with Grizzly Adams. So when I was out having lunch with my friend on Tuesday she announces, 'Jesus has arrived.' when Mr. Big Beard walks in. 'Well, Hello Jesus!' was my response. I then had to explain my preference for the beard.
  1. the eyes are the cavern to the soul and the beard highlights them (note Charles Manson - take one look at those eyes and tell me what you think).
  2. I enjoy watching men shave, trim, groom.
  3. they are pleasurable.
  4. they show confidence and non-conformity.
  5. I'm not partial to the baby face look.
  6. whisker burn is not nice.
  7. pheromones under the ear lobe just near the hinge of the jaw.
Why grow a beard?
  1. to look older
  2. to attract attention
  3. to cover a weak chin, scar or to take attention away from a large nose or lips that are too small or thick
  4. for fun!
Which beard for you?

** Your beard should always be in proportion to the size of your face and body.
** It takes about a month to grow. Facial hair grows 3/4 of an inch every 30 days.

Round face
  • a beard can make it look longer - especially a pointed one like Mr. Crangi's in the photo above.
  • long sideburns make a face look slimmer.
  • a round face should never wear short sideburns. They will make the face look even rounder.
  • facial hair gives width to the lower portion of the face and broadens it out.
Square jaw
  • go for a round beard
Thin/thick lips
  • go for a heavy to medium mustache
Big nose
  • go for a big mustache. It will make it look smaller.
Long narrow face
  • thin mustache
Beard trimming tips
  1. the natural line of your mustache and beard looks less artificial
  2. stop shaving for the first 4-6 weeks to see where and how your beard grows
  3. trim at least every 2 weeks or every day to keep it elegant
  4. use shears, scissors or a beard trimmer
  5. bottom of mustache should be trimmed first
  6. never let it grow over the edge of the upper lip
  7. to thin your beard lay a comb over it and run an electric razor across the comb
  8. sideburns should be left full around the ears
  9. don't focus on making sharp, straight lines, but always control the thickness
  10. trim your beard when it's dry and start above your jaw, from your chin to your ear.
  11. for edges follow the line of the jaw where the skin of your neck meets the skin of your chin
  12. use conditioner to soften your beard and make it shine

So, as I said to my hair stylist JD when he told me he preferred my husband clean shaven - 'Don't knock it till you've tried it.'

ps: I thought Joaquin Phoenix looked damn hot with that beard! I also like wood paneling.

Summer Breeze