Aug 19, 2010

Shopping for Jeans

No, not for me thank bejeezus. It's our annual hunt for the right pair of men's denim.

These were his top picks for jeans.

Marc by Marc Jacobs - Uniform Fit
review - lady bum is not a good look for him.

Acne Jeans - Roc Cash Intense Black
review - Hot! He's going to buy these this Fall - I hope.

Nudie - Slim Jim Dry Coated Denim
review - he has slim sexy legs and the boot cut really doesn't do them justice. In my opinion, if you're blessed with slim legs you should show them off.

Naked and Famous - Skinny Guy Broken Twill Selvedge
review - nah - just ok. I like my pair of Naked and Famous though.

These were the best.
Nudie Jeans - Thin Finn Dry Black Coated Denim

Summer Breeze