Sep 17, 2012

Inspiration - Doors in the West End

Next to the mantle piece, the front door is probably one of the most popular backdrops for family photos. It is also the first impression your home makes on visitors and passersby. I like to think of the front door as the gate keeper that both guards and greets. Sprucing up your front door can be an economical way to add some zest to your home or, don't make me say it -> curb appeal.Some things to consider when planning for your front door redo:
  • give your door its own special character such as, but not limited to, a contrasting colored trim, French tile numbers, or a brass lion's head knocker
  • bushes, plants or vines such as honeysuckle not only add a welcoming scent but also soften any imposing lines leading to your door
  • your door should be of the same period or style as your home
  • if your front door is actually on the side or around the back, a path, canopy or entrance courtyard indicate this is the way to the main entrance
  • your front door is an extension of you and your family. It welcomes visitors into the home you've created out of a house.
A selection of front doors from Vancouver's West End:

Originally published July 7, 2009

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