Oct 10, 2012

When I deleted the blog

A few weeks ago I deleted Bijou Living and all the social media platforms associated with it. Why? Well, I was in one of my moods and felt it was time to move on. The next morning I had some emails wondering if I was ok - unfortunately some were sent on Google+ and because I deleted my profile I couldn't respond (thanks Anne). The notes were greatly appreciated! I put the blog back up but because I blocked my Flickr account all the images on the blog that I'd embedded with Flickr vanished. Good times. Another thing that vanished was the ability to leave comments. I've gone in and activated the comment section but for some reason it won't show up. I think I need to install Disqus for comments instead. I miss my regulars - Dana, Claire and Pret! I've noticed, however, that the Facebook Recommend button is being used regularly. This is great because it lets me know what kind of posts you like and you get to keep your anonymity.

Writing a blog is a guessing game. I have so many interests and could write an entire blog about just one thing (ie architecture, style, food) but when I started Bijou Living 4.5 years ago I chose to approach it like a 'lifestyle' magazine and cover a little of everything. By clicking that Recommend button you really help me in selecting a topic to write about and trust me, for someone that wants to write about everything, knowing what to focus on is a blessing. I have no ulterior motive for that button and would use something other than FB to track what you were interested in if it existed (I also use Share This but it's not very effective).

Anyway, thanks for joining me on my adventure.

Interested in moods and where I think mine may stem from? Read this. That's a whole other adventure.

Summer Breeze