Nov 14, 2012

Last Weekend

Design After Hours
Friday night was a trip to Chinatown to visit, Night Riders - A Design Exhibition for After Hours.
I bought some gorgeous amethyst earrings from Rukus
Rachel and Stacy Reynaud
The event was held at the Angelus Novus studio - a great space.
Saturday Morning Northern Flickr
Saturday, bright and early, we headed over to an estate sale at the Baker Residence (Peter Faulkner Smith architect - the home owner's brother) one of the outstanding homes noted in the West Vancouver Survey of Significant Architecture.
Baker Residence
I'll be heading over once everything is said and done to shoot the interior. Excited about this. It's a gorgeous home. You should see the kitchen - all original!

H Faulkner Smith
We picked up some H. Faulkner Smith water colours and Rachel and Eddie scored an oil and some amazing mid-century bent plywood dining chairs (which you can see in the dining room window in the photo above. H Faulkner Smith

buck a chair chairs
I picked these four chairs up two weekends ago at a church sale but forgot to share them with you. They were $1 each and will be used around my unstained pine deck table.
Belgian Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup
Sunday was lazy. I was craving my favourite chocolates from my favourite chocolatier.
so we headed over to Lonsdale Quay grabbed a coffee and chowed down some Belgian dark chocolate peanut butter cups and dark chocolate salted caramel(the breakfast of champions).
  Belgian Salted Caramel
Belgian Chocolate Salted Caramel at Olde World Fudge, Lonsdale Quay (the best in the city)
mid-century bent plywood dining chairs before
Monday was spent on our deck restoring the six bent plywood chairs from the estate sale (Check out Fifty Chairs That Changed the World)).
restoring the chairs

restored chairs
The finished product.

Summer Breeze