Dec 18, 2013

Mid Century Modern BC Binning Home West Vancouver

Binning Home image Stacy Reynaud

Crowdfunding is my latest proposal to save the Binning Home for the public - as Mrs. Binning had bequeathed. Remember I suggested the District of West Vancouver purchase the Binning Home as a marketing and communications expense to compliment the forthcoming West Vancouver Centre for Art and Architecture? Well, only two individuals have stepped up - heritage advocates Kathleen Staples (of the Staples Residence) and Bruno Wall, the nephew of real estate developer Peter Wall - who has been labelled 'partially responsible for Vancouver's City of Glass reputation.' Staples offered up a cheque of $1 million on Friday, December 13th - $600,000 short of Wall's offer of $1.6 million.

On December 13th, the judge (Madam Justice Shelley Fitzpatrick), presiding over the BC Supreme Court fight for the house, stated:

The rubber hits the road regarding who's prepared to write the cheques to maintain this property. Where are they? Where are all these people? Who's prepared to come and make a concrete proposal? At the end of the day, unless you have the government standing behind these types of projects, someone has to pay for them.

So, who's with me on this? For purchase, necessary repairs, continuous maintenance, marketing and administration of the home, I suggest a goal of $5 million. Come by the Bijou Living Facebook page to share your ideas.

Read more of my Binning posts from the past three years by searching Binning at the top of the page.

Read the Supreme Court affidavit filed by The Land Conservancy November 13, 2013.

"The rubber hits the road in terms of who's prepared to write the cheques to maintain this property," she said.
Fitzpatrick added that despite wide media coverage, no one besides Wall and Staples has stepped up with formal proposal to take over the house.
"Where are they? Where are all these people? Who's prepared to come and make a concrete proposal? At the end of the day, unless you have government standing behind these types of projects, someone has to pay for it."
- See more at:
"The rubber hits the road in terms of who's prepared to write the cheques to maintain this property," she said.
Fitzpatrick added that despite wide media coverage, no one besides Wall and Staples has stepped up with formal proposal to take over the house.
"Where are they? Where are all these people? Who's prepared to come and make a concrete proposal? At the end of the day, unless you have government standing behind these types of projects, someone has to pay for it."
- See more at:
Mr. and Mrs. Binning
 Mr. Binning's studio with original works as well as unfinished ones. Image Stacy Reynaud

Binning's studio Image Stacy Reynaud

Note the high windows to let in the south sunlight on the upper left. Image Stacy Reynaud

The Binning's original Danish furnishings. Image Stacy Reynaud

 South facing back yard. Image Stacy Reynaud

 Mrs. Binning's room to the left, washroom centre and Mr. Binning's room and studio to the right.
The mural was hand painted by Mr. Binning
image Stacy Reynaud

Mr. Binning's studio. Image Stacy Reynaud

Original mid-century yellow ceramic tiles in the main washroom. Image Stacy Reynaud
 Mrs. Binning's Bedroom - with all her belongings - would they be sent to the Salvation Army if the home was sold? Image Stacy Reynaud

Dining Room of the Binning Home with BC Studio Ceramics. Image Stacy Reynaud
 Original address plate. Image Stacy Reynaud

 Mrs. Binning's last entry in her day planner dated Friday May 27th 2007.
She died later that year at 101.
Image Stacy Reynaud

 Front entrance with one of Binning's murals. Image Stacy Reynaud

 Front entrance from the street.
Note the high windows. Mr. Binning's studio is to the right.
Image Stacy Reynaud

South facing back yard - view of Burrard Inlet beyond the mature trees - would they be destroyed to improve the view? Image Stacy Reynaud

 The entire contents of the home belonged to the Binnings - where would it go if the home was sold to a private citizen? Image Stacy Reynaud

 Back yard with trellis and original windows. Image Stacy Reynaud

 Every kitchen needs a window. Private west facing kitchen window. Binning Kitchen. 
Image Stacy Reynaud

 Original kitchen cupboards in the Binning kitchen. Image Stacy Reynaud

Entrance hall - the Binnings were collectors of Japanese ceramics and BC studio pottery. 
Image Stacy Reynaud

BC Binning's desk drawer - as he left it before he died.
Image Stacy Reynaud

all images © Stacy Reynaud

Summer Breeze