May 5, 2010

I know nothing of this band...

Nor do I know anything of this photo other than I bought it at a flea market.

Sleep Holiday
other than what's on their Myspace page. They're from Vancouver and I think I just may give them a few more listens. I don't like it when critics give cheap comparisons. I will, however, tell you that I listened to a lot of The Cure, Passion Puppets, Bauhaus, Echo & The Bunnymen and The Smiths in the 80s. My tastes haven't changed all that much.

PS My favourite on their player is HnH.

Quote of the Week - Paul Newman

A man can only be judged by his actions, and not by his good intentions or his beliefs.

gifted photo from Could it be Madness - this?

May 4, 2010

The Hawaiian Shirt - Do you Dare?

Paul McCartney's Hawaiian Shirt 1976

On my weekly thrifting trip, I came across a mid-70s vintage men's Hawaiian shirt. I've never liked Hawaiian shirts on men—I find them too obnoxious. However, upon a recent viewing of The Beach Boys' Good Vibrations (1976) video on YouTube—here—or below—Paul McCartney caught my eye (1:52). Maybe I have lightened up a bit—or I'm just turning into my Mom.

FYI, some vintage Hawaiian shirts are worth hundreds of dollars. This area was never really my specialty, although I have gotten a few pretty pennies for 1950s Kamehameha pieces. Check out this wonderful website, Vintage Hawaiian Shirt—he seems to be a pro in the field.

Last weekend

- was my husband's birthday and our third wedding anniversary (nine years together).

Our weekend consisted of:
Anoushka Shankar (Ravi's daughter) at the Chan Centre
brunch at the Alibi Room
window shopping in Chinatown
a few games of pool at the Comox
and lots of wind, rain and below average temperatures!

My parents are visiting from the Okanagan this coming weekend. We're taking them golfing at Gleneagles. I don't particularly care for golf (according to my mother, hate is a strong word). I'll be the caddy/bartender.

Stacy Reynaud

Dealing with Rude People

My husband received a Starbuck's gift card for his birthday - don't worry it wasn't from me. On the card there was a little sticker that read, 'Register your card online for a free birthday drink'. So he did. We then went to said coffee giant to get the free drink. Now, there are two things that have really been irking me lately:
  1. people who don't communicate properly. I like to use the K.I.S.S. principle when communicating verbally with the public.
  2. rude 'customer service' clerks. Hey, I've worked in customer service my whole life from luxury retail sales to waitress at a raunchy pub - if you're having a bad day - grin and bear - don't ruin mine.
Said coffee giant provided us with both things on May 2nd. All I have to say is thank goodness I'd just finished reading, The Civility Solution: What to Do When People Are Rude.
Part Two: Situations and Solutions, The World of Service, is particularly good.

PS In the last week I've walked out of three restaurants due to below standard cleanliness. Please check the place out while you're on the way to your table.

In this day and age consumers have many choices. We won't settle for less than excellence. At least I know I won't.

May 3, 2010

Two Years

that I've been looking for work
that I've been without a cell
that I've been without a car
that I've been to New York
that I've bought something 'new'
that I've been writing my blog

So - thank you, dear readers, for being involved in both an important and influential time of my life.

Things my Mother Told Me

  • always wash your face before you go to bed
  • wear moisturizer
  • never leave home without lipstick
  • you have a cute figure - show it off
  • never settle for less than your intellectual equal
  • don't phone boys
  • smile - no matter how much someone pisses you off
  • bras and panties should be sexy

Apr 29, 2010

West Coast Modern Residential Demolition

stacy reynaud

In my spare time I like to go to home demolitions - not to be confused with house wreckers (I'm not much for parties). This mid-century baby was designed, I believe, by Canadian architect Fred Thornton Hollingsworth in the late 50s. I was told by the architect hired for the new project that it will be replaced with something more contemporary and suited to our rainforest environment. There are more than a few West Coast Modern homes being demolished in West Vancouver. My colleague just bought one. She, too, will be tearing it down as she feels it's 'an old people house'.

What I Wore...

October 12, 1985

me: Anorak - vintage
turtle neck - vintage
black stretch tube skirt - Le Chateau
tights - black sheer Dim
patent leather flats - Le Chateau
her: jacket - my vintage fringed suede
pins - assorted vintage
t-shirt - The Smiths Meat is Murder
sunglasses - Ray Ban Wayfarers
shorts - Cotton Ginny
white lace leggings - Le Chateau
sandals - Hurache

Vintage Chanel

Philipe Guibourgé

Apr 28, 2010

What Makes a Gentleman

When asked once what defines a gentleman Bryan Ferry answered,

'Handmade shoes and good manners.'

I found this wonderful site via LeDandyUK company Broadland Slippers handmakes English velvet slippers and house shoes - for him and her. You choose your style and textile - velvet, leather or tapestry (you can even provide your own). They'll even do up a pair from your own lasts. I originally gravitated toward the tapestry ones because I had a pair of Peter Fox's in the 80s. However, I find women in those 1930s movies wearing smoking pajamas and velvet monogrammed slippers extremely sexy - so sexy it is.

... and you know, I bet Bryan Ferry has a pair of house shoes.

Quote of the Week - Oliver Wendell Holmes

Men don't quit playing because they grow old. They grow old because they quit playing.

awesome photo a gift from Could it be Madness-this?

Apr 27, 2010

Design Lover - Frédérique Morrel Pouf

'... Industry thought it was more important (than art) and proved to be more powerful. Industrially -produced design products lost the relationship to the human values that came from the ingenuity and craftsmanship of the human hand.' Frédérique Morrel

Morrel produces one of a kind products - including trophy heads - made with vintage tapestries. Check out her website.

You know I love vintage tapestries - view my studio here.

Apr 24, 2010

I would rather be...

Yes, yes, Carpe diem, I know, but don't tell me you don't do a little daydreaming here and there.

Claire's post at Harbourmaster, " Bikini Girls with Machine Guns," got me thinking about what I wish I was doing today.

Sorry folks, no sexy shots of me, but here's what I wish:

I wish it was suddenly summer, and I was sipping bubbly while seated at a marble-topped iron table out front of a south-facing street cafe with a good friend, having a conversation about Norwegian, French and Russian existentialism while watching beautiful men go by. A simple enough feast for all five senses, wouldn't you say?

Summer Breeze