5 Sexy Film Fights

Casting, costume and a certain je ne sais quoi make these some of film's sexiest skirmishes.

1.  1968 Franco Zefferilli Romeo and Juliet - Mercutio's Death Scene

Mercutio at 8:16 - brilliant - and what about that outfit...

2. Rebel Without a Cause

James Dean - he's 'abstract' and 'cute too.'

3. Gone with the Wind

'I only know that I love you.' ' That's your misfortune.'

4.  Psychomania

I've said it before and I'll say it again - hot pants, leather and British bikes

5. Dangerous Liaisons - Madame de Merteuil and Valmont

John Malkovich was born to do scenes like these. 

6. Honorable mention, Zoolander - Walk Off - YouTube it!