Jun 24, 2008

Mixed Tapes vs Diamonds

My parents liked to throw parties.  In order to throw a good party you need a good sound system and with every good sound system comes good headphones.  
I was lucky enough to grow up listening to tunes on my Dad's vintage headphones - you know, the big, over the ear, amazing sounding, padded type. Needless to say, I could never get into the feeling of 'ear buds' or their sound quality.  
I've recently come into the possession of a pair of Bose Noise Cancelling Headphones . These are some very amazing headphones.  So amazing, in fact, that when you take them off it takes a moment to reground yourself!
If you love music as much as I do I highly suggest investing in a pair of these - they're great for the plane, the iPod, the computer and the peace and quiet!
While your reminiscing about the good old days take a look at the Mix Tape USB stick.  It holds up to one hour of music - the same as an old 60 cassette tape. 
Nothing shows the gift of love more than a good mixed tape!

Old Fashioned Granola Recipe