Apr 23, 2009

How to Accent Windows

If you're reading this post you obviously don't have tinfoil over your window. Although a simple solution, it's definitely not the most desirable.
Window treatments don't have to cost a fortune. Like most things in life, the simpler, the better.
Marimekko fabrics look great from the street.
Your window treatments contribute to both the interior and exterior of your home so consider them from the road as well, not only during the day but also the night.
Your home looks more welcoming with comforting night-time windows.
Some tips to keep in mind when selecting your window treatments:
1. Remember your budget.
2. One can easily get caught up in the beauty of the fabrics and forget if it's suitable for the room.
3. Ask yourself whether you need insulation against cold or noise.
4. Do you need to keep light out at night or only screen the room from the street?
5. Will there be any fire hazards nearby?
If your home is street level an easy way to prevent passers-by from peering in is to hang up a large display such as the daisy above.
© stacy reynaud

Your windows can be a way of expressing your individuality without really being seen. Take the opportunity to make them your own.
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