Oct 12, 2013

Heritage Status for Canada's Oldest Skate Park?

A lot of my friends skated this park in the 1980s. Now, we middle-aged Gen Xers are rallying behind it. Seylynn Skate Park was built in 1978 and is Canada's oldest concrete park. 

The concern is that the rapid condo development in the area will level Seylynn to a plaque in the ground. However, seeing as we degenerate, skateboarders are all grown up, many of us successful entrepreneurs, PhDs, or working in influential industries. 

The opportunity has arisen for us to assist in the preservation of the park—possibly even as a heritage site. So phooey to all those name-callers in the 80s who thought we were good for nothing—we're still here, strategically sneaking up behind you.

If you want to get involved in the planning workshops for Seylynn, head out to the North Vancouver District Operations Centre @ 1370 Crown St on October 23 at 5:30. More info in the above pdf and at the District website.

Thanks for sharing the image, Dr. Chapman

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