Sep 17, 2012

Inspiration - Doors in the West End

Next to the mantle piece, the front door is probably one of the most popular backdrops for family photos. It is also the first impression your home makes on visitors and passersby. I like to think of the front door as the gate keeper that both guards and greets. Sprucing up your front door can be an economical way to add some zest to your home or, don't make me say it -> curb appeal.Some things to consider when planning for your front door redo:
  • give your door its own special character such as, but not limited to, a contrasting colored trim, French tile numbers, or a brass lion's head knocker
  • bushes, plants or vines such as honeysuckle not only add a welcoming scent but also soften any imposing lines leading to your door
  • your door should be of the same period or style as your home
  • if your front door is actually on the side or around the back, a path, canopy or entrance courtyard indicate this is the way to the main entrance
  • your front door is an extension of you and your family. It welcomes visitors into the home you've created out of a house.
A selection of front doors from Vancouver's West End:

Originally published July 7, 2009

Related Posts:

The Decline of West Coast Modernism
Windows: Keep it Simple
Tips for Decor in 620 Square Feet

Sep 15, 2012

Enjoy Your Weekend

31 Things I Will Not Wear

'by me age 10'

Fashion week always makes me hate fashion. I can't look anymore - what's with these 'street' style photos I'm being bombarded with from Mercedes Benz Fashion Week? That's not 'street' style - those people are posers (they are dressed that way to get their photo taken) or worse yet, models planted by designers for marketing. Anyway, what this post is supposed to be about is what I will never wear. You know, those things that are wonderful on other people but can't touch me with a fifty foot pole. I'd like to add that I wear numerous items I can guarantee a lot of folks would never wear (ie Birkenstock Arizonas ).
  1. denim skirts
  2. red - makes me feel like Kelly Bundy -  red lipstick is ok
  3. corduroy
  4. a beige Burberry/George Costanza trench coat - any other color would be fine
  5. high tops - same issue with Mary Janes
  6. fur
  7. plaid fitted button up shirts
  8. cotton lycra
  9. yoga pants - hey, I practice yoga I just don't wear the pants
  10. ringer t-shirts
  11. overdyed denim with bright orange seams/disco jeans
  12. ass pants - those tight ass flare bottom downtown office lady pants
  13. Mary Janes - they accentuate my lack of ankles
  14. sheath dresses - not flattering on me
  15. 1950s - so beautiful on some women but so unflattering on me
  16. a tube top - nobody should wear a tube top
  17. felt or anything with felt applique
  18. 'flesh' tone nylons
  19. blush - 'Hi, I'm Adam Ant!'
  20. a 'blow dry' style - just because I'm blond doesn't mean I want to look like I broadcast the news
  21. cow print- think about it
  22. zebra print - is that cow print?
  23. tall cowboy boots - usually too tight on my calves anyway - I like the ankle boots though
  24. baseball cap as a fashion accessory
  25. big hoop earrings
  26. princess sleeves - I'm too old. Empress sleeves would be a different story
  27. acid wash - didn't wear it in the 80s either
  28. wrap around sunglasses - Karl Lagerfeld style sunglasses
  29. any advertising I'm not being paid for
  30. shorts
  31. anything tight and white

Sep 14, 2012

You and I are of the Same Persuasion

Therefore, I recommend reading this book, this weekend.
Being of a different mindset than the rest of the United States, Northern California, Oregon and Washington (Cascadia to those in the know) separate from the rest of the country creating an environmental utopia. Most of what the author proposes can happen - some of which already has.  Where should we start?

I bought my used copy (in good old Ecotopian fashion) in Vancouver at Macleod's Books. He had one more copy - ask for it. You can also buy it here.

Sep 10, 2012

10 Boots for Men - Fall Winter 2012



Dr. Martens


Fiorentini and Baker


paul smith



Sep 8, 2012

In his bag you will find

In all fairness I grabbed the bag from him last night (no staging allowed) and he had stuff for a weekend event in it - hence big camera. I was surprised there weren't any little papers (receipts, candy wrappers, etc) he usually leaves a trail of them.
The bag is a vintage Frye messenger.

Sep 7, 2012

A New Architecture for the Pacific Northwest

 The Rondette, 1967
  • can be built on any site, in any climate
  • customizable and interchangeable walls, windows and doors
  • 'packaged' structure
  • can be used singly or expanded with the addition of other units
  • available in four models, from an eight-sided 335 s.f. 'efficiency' unit to a 12-sided 775 s.f. unit
  • nine-sided one bedroom unit shown comes with a redwood deck
  • elevated on poles to protect the forest floor
Did you know that a single footstep in one of Oregon's coastal forests is taken on the backs of sixteen thousand invertebrates and that one square metre of temperate forest soil can contain as many as two million creatures representing a thousand species?

Sep 4, 2012

Aug 31, 2012

How to Make Cedar Plank Lobster Tails

45 years is a long time. That's how long my parents have been married. This August, we took a drive up to Kelowna to make them a special anniversary dinner. I chose cedar plank lobster tails with roasted radishes because my Dad loves lobster, and my Mom loves radishes.

Cedar Plank Lobster Tails

What you need:

• 1 jalapeno pepper
• ½ tsp finely grated lemon zest
• 2 tbsp lemon juice
• 2 tbsp unseasoned rice wine vinegar
• 1 tsp granulated sugar
• ⅓ cup good quality olive oil, plus more for grilling
• 6 uncooked lobster tails (7 to 8 oz each), halved lengthwise *
• 2 untreated cedar planks (7" x 14" or similar), soaked in water for 2 hours**

What you do:

1. Preheat the grill to medium-high. Place the pepper on the hot grill and cook until charred on all sides, about 6 minutes. Let cool, then remove the charred skin from the jalapeno and cut the pepper in half, discarding the seeds. Finely dice the jalapeno.

2. Place the diced pepper in a jar with a tightly fitting lid. Add the lemon zest, lemon juice, vinegar and sugar; cover and shake well to blend. Add the oil and replace the lid. Shake the mixture again until emulsified. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Set aside.

3. Brush the cut side of the lobster tails lightly with olive oil and season with salt and pepper. Place the cedar planks on the grill, close the lid and heat for 4 minutes. Arrange the lobster tails, cut side down, on top of the planks. Close the grill lid and cook until meat is opaque, not transparent, and firm to the touch, about 8 to 10 minutes.

4. Serve the lobster tails with a drizzle of the lemon jalapeno vinaigrette on top and more on the side for dipping.

** I picked up the cedar planks at Rona. A pack of two was $5.80. You can also get them at William Sonoma - for twice the price

Roasted Radishes

What you need:

• 1-¼ lbs medium-sized radishes, trimmed and quartered
• 1 tbsp olive oil
• 2 cups fresh watercress, washed and drained, thick stems removed
• 2 tbsp fresh mint leaves, cut into a chiffonade

What you do:

1. Preheat the oven to 425°F. In a medium bowl, toss the radishes wth the olive oil and season with salt and pepper.

2. Transfer to an oven-safe skillet and roast until golden and tender when pierced with a knife, about 25 minutes.

3. Remove the pan from the oven, add the watercress and stir until the watercress is slightly wilted. Stir in the mint and serve immediately.

Tip: Roasting radishes sweetens and mellows their flavour. For best results, choose golf ball-sized radishes and quarter them.

recipe adapted from Style at Home

Aug 30, 2012

So how old fashioned am I?

This is what I had in my bag on Monday.
Yes, that's chewable ginger Gravol. Hey, you never know when you're going to feel sick to your stomach.
The bag is by Vancouver designer Erin Templeton.

Aug 29, 2012

My Lamp Dilema is Solved


Found a shade - at my local Sally Ann. 
Lamp shade $4. Total investment $29.


Aug 27, 2012

From the Archives - How to Find a Pair of Boots

It's that time of year again, and I'm thinking about Fall boots.
I'm going to my favourite shop in New West for some inspiration, and then I'm jumping onto Etsy to add to my favorites. I already have an idea of what I want; it's just a matter of finding it!

Originally published September 20, 2010

After trying those
Fiorentini and Baker boots two weekends ago, I had to revisit their inspiration - just to make sure. Last weekend, we headed to our favourite surplus store in New West to see what was in stock. I found both pairs I was looking for - the parade and combat boots (photos 5 and 6) plus a few cool ones for him. Is it just me, or is the boot in photo 3 a near-spitting image of the Barry Distressed Buttero boots - now sold out - or how about any of these for inspiration? Of course, neither of us walked out with boots, but I picked up a Canadian cadet overcoat - currently at the dry cleaner, so no photo.

Aug 24, 2012

Quote of the Week - Rachel Carson - Life

West Vancouver, Canada
image stacy reynaud

Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the Earth are never alone or weary of life.

image stacy reynaud

Aug 23, 2012

An Inspired Knock Off

Perry Ellis 1985
My orange high school locker was my inspiration board. It was 1985 and the orange background only enhanced the already kaleidoscopic menagerie of 80s fashion, Calvin Klein underwear ads and my bobbed hair crush Marcus Abel. Fast forward twenty years to a Black Crowes after party and I'm debating the difference between knocking off and being inspired by fashion with one of the designers whose ads I'd always had hanging in my locker (no, not CK).

Three months earlier the assistant of the aforementioned designer purchased my collection of vintage leather jackets at a New York event I was showing at. I wouldn't have known otherwise but being a nosy Canadian I asked her if she was really going to wear all those jackets. She replied that they weren't for her, they were for Designer X who would be knocking them off. Trust me, I know what you're thinking.

I do not regularly attend parties to accuse designers of knocking off vintage clothing. You see, as a result of early 90s, extremely loud, industrial dance sessions at Luv Affair, I have a terrible case of tinnitus. Therefore, when the designer introduced themselves at the noisy party I thought they said they worked for Designer X, not that they were, in fact, Designer X. Here I was thinking I was having a nice conversation with one of Designer X's assistants about the New York vintage show and how designers knock off vintage clothing. I didn't clue in that I was actually talking with Designer X until a groupie approached them. It would have been even more embarrassing to back track on my words and apologize for accusing them of knocking stuff off as the conversation had already evolved past that and they were real enough not to deny that they do in fact buy vintage clothing to get 'inspiration'. Needless to say,  I continued chatting along in my merry way pretending I knew who they were from the get go and of course not really hearing what I was saying because all I could think about was how friggin' embarrassed I was.

In 1985 I won the Langley School District fashion design competition. I don't remember how I actually got into the competition but I do remember being instructed to design something for Home Economics Sewing class and it was my creation - a skirt - that won. The designers had to walk the internationally famous and notoriously challenging catwalk at Langley Senior Secondary (or was it Brookswood) sporting their creation. I do remember doing that. I also remember not paying attention when the winners were announced and having someone come and find me to let me know I was being summoned. I won a Mary Kay make over!

Last night I pulled out the January 1985 edition of Vogue looking for some blog inspiration. The first page I opened to slapped me with a fistful of memories. It was a Perry Ellis ad - an ad containing the winning skirt. I now remember. I took that ad to a local sewing shop, searched out a pattern for a similar skirt and had it altered a bit.

I didn't knock it off, I was inspired by it.

The striped skirt and winning ensemble. Note the nautical theme topped off by the hat.

PS Kids - if you're going to dance beside the speakers take this old hipsters advice and be the geek that wears ear plugs. Your parents were somewhat right, you will go deaf but first you will be plagued by a torturing constant ringing in your ears - even when you have ear plugs in.

Aug 22, 2012

The Hibernation Home - House and Garden 1967


While on a little road trip last weekend I came to the conclusion that bears have SADS - hence hibernation. Humans need to take heed from our animal friends. Really, would you not rather sleep, chill out, snuggle, and stay out of the gross weather from November until March instead of forcing yourself up out of bed to go to work in the dark and come home in the dark only to be surrounded with nothing but artificial light? I know I most definitely would.

I have asked my GP for a doctor's note/green card/prescription to move south from November - March (I figure the final three months of Vancouver rain from March to June will be ok) and although she didn't say no, she did give me a prescription for a Happy Light and told me to take up indoor activities like the climbing gym (how 1994), lunching with friends ($$$), and movies (sorry, bed bug paranoia).

The days are getting shorter. If you have SADS, like me, that looming darkness is slowly rising on the horizon of your mind and The Cask of Amontillado will soon start to take on its own personal meaning. But alas, I have a new idea! I am going to approach my GP with an alternative to the green card - the Pacific Northwest Hibernation House. A prescription for a home! I don't think my insurance plan will have a problem purchasing a snippet of land and building this hinged panel glass house for me, after all, it's five times smaller than the average home here in West Van. I've already researched where I can source most of the materials so that what I use will be mostly recycled. The flip up hinged panels, that surround the entire structure, are paramount to human hibernation. Upon the light of the new season, myself, and my home, will gradually unfold and welcome back the Technicolor Springtime of the moody land I love.

Deep Cove

For more reading on moody Cascadia (the Pacific Northwest) I recommend; Cascadia: The Elusive Utopia.

home image: House and Garden Building Guide, Spring-Summer 1967

Aug 11, 2012

I'm away

Starting today I'm on vacation for four weeks! I'm headed to the spa in Whistler for the weekend - that's my only plan. What happens next will be spur of the moment as plans give me anxiety. I've started up a Tumblr page to chronicle my vacation.

Nothing is up yet but book mark it if you want as I'll be sporadically posting vacation pics - and pics only  ->

I'll still be posting on BL and on the BL fb page so please let me know you exist.

ps I deleted my Twitter account. 

Aug 10, 2012

A fashion theory I like to live by

You can't do head-to-toe Chanel; you've got to mix it up with combat boots

Aug 4, 2012

Aug 3, 2012

Quote of the Week - Ralph Waldo Emerson on Amateurs

Every artist was first an amateur. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Aug 2, 2012

A Lamp Dilemma

I couldn't resist this big handmade vintage lamp at our local thrift shop. Unfortunate thing is, it doesn't have a shade. One would think it would be easy to find one - not so. Any suggestions?

Doused in Mud Soaked in Bleach