May 31, 2013

This makes me want to shoot one of me and my bff

It would be pretty hilarious.

May 23, 2013

Top Summer Colors for Men

The thing about technology is that fashion is becoming faster and faster, (note I did not say style). Back in January 2012, I did this post on men's color trends for Spring | Summer 2013. These were just three of my favourites. View more of what Pantone picked over at their site - which, in fact, is a very resourceful piece of the Interwebs.

Did you pick up anything in these colors? I haven't bought anything for summer yet! Probably because we're only at highs of 14  - brrr.

I'll take the female version of the center outfit (not the shoes) in the last row for myself - hoping that the sweater is a silk linen blend. Which wouldn't you turn down?

Pantone calls them Monaco Blue, Vibrant Orange and Sunflower

all images ©

May 18, 2013

Essential Coffee Information

Now wouldn't this be a cool poster?
source Helen K

May 17, 2013

In My Other Life

I'm the program head (and member of faculty) for the part time marketing management program at BCIT. I'm also a tree hugger, as you've probably figured out by now. How did I get into marketing? It just happened. I actually hate marketing, or is it marketers? Or is it the campaigns? Remember, I'm also a born BC'er, as is Adbusters - and Greenpeace.

When I see a campaign like the new one from Greenpeace targeting Italy's largest fashion houses, the first thing that runs through my head is, 'OK Greenpeace, how exactly did that green rubber glove come into fruition?' Last time I checked rubber was harvested from trees - is it neon green when harvested? I thought not. Where did the dye go after the gloves were dyed? How many vehicles were used to transport the gloves? In all fairness, Greenpeace may have had a disclaimer on the gloves stating they were artisanal gloves produced by fairies - or in an ecologically sensitive manner.

Think before you approve.

May 16, 2013

Quote | Albert Einstein

I speak to everyone in the same way, whether he is the garbage man or the president of the university.

May 15, 2013


Some of these new spots [artisanal coffee shops] have a way of making you feel not cool enough--like you're dressed inappropriately. Patrick Dempsey on the artisanal coffee shop scene.

Dempsey just bought Tulley's coffee (the Peet's of Seattle). Weird.

Any Portlandia fans out there? Anyone been to JJ Bean Coffee in the Woodward's building? Check it out. You'll see what he means.

Read More

May 10, 2013

Quote - Edgar Allan Poe

Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.

May 5, 2013

Uncivilized Cards from the 70s

I sometimes find these tacky things at thrift stores. 
What was with the 70s anyway? So sloppy and uncouth. Now pass the Grey Poupon if you will.

Mean-Spirited Greeting Cards from the 1970s by LosPeep

Apr 30, 2013

Vintage Gucci

Wood Manual Wind Watch

Apr 27, 2013

From the archives: A Collection of Rejection

Originally published April 14, 2011

One of the best things about writing your own blog is that you really save a fortune on self addressed stamped envelopes.

But alas!

Apr 25, 2013

The thief in my stolen clothes

I was warned about her, I even picked up bad vibes from her myself. She had her believers, her pawns who volunteered at her shop. I could see right through her Liberace-cum-Rasputin facade. Unfortunately, as all artists know, financial duress can sometimes win out over intuition. Needless to say, I brought a collection of my designs to her store to sell.

On and on she went, trying to make me believe she was taking my designs out of pity, 'They really won't sell here'. But she took them anyway. Two weeks later I dropped in to see if she'd put them out. I hated walking into her Main St. shop with its stained carpet and the stench of cheap incense, mildew and pot - even worse was her cackling about color and texture to every dahhhhliinnngg single person that walked in. Luckily, she wasn't there, just one of her minions flagrantly gossiping to hang around - hence the whole shop. I approached the counter to ask about my account as my designs weren't on the floor - alas, I stood unnoticed. There was an open black binder on the counter top and coincidentally enough it lay open to my account - which was marked with a massive slash through it with the number 86 written at the top. If you've never had the joy of working in the food and beverage industry - 86 means sold out, finished, no more.

Panicked, I left the shop. Calling up the minion a few hours later, he told me that my things had sold out and that there would be a cheque for me the following week. Onwards to the following week. I went in to pick up my cheque first thing in the morning, wanting to make the whole ordeal as quick and painless as possible. Liberace-cum-Rasputin was cawing on the phone. It was just her and I in the shop. She gave me a snide, 'How are yooouuuuu...' thank god she didn't try to touch me. I told her I was there to pick up my cheque. She went to the black binder and looked up my account - not opening the book in its entirety. 'Oh, didn't we call you last week?' she miffed. No, I called you and spoke to a guy who said my cheque would be ready today. 'Oh dahhhlliinnng, I'm sooooo sorrrry, but your things were stolen.' WTF?

Onward two weeks.
I had been invited to one of Vancouver's most highly respected vintage clothing collector's home for a private sale. His private sales were noted as the end all be all, and to be personally invited meant he thought you were worthy to view and shop his private collection. I was nervous about going, and almost didn't,  but I grabbed hold of my gumption and my BFF and off we went. Once we arrived, my jitters passed, and I was in all my glory. Encompassing my thoughts was one thing, how I wanted to roll, naked like a dog in grass, amongst the mountains of vintage silk, velvet, and chiffon that lay strewn around his old Victorian home. And then there she was, carelessly planted like an invasive species on the pink velveteen sofa, cackling, as a not so stellar jay - decked head to toe in my 'stolen' 86'd personal designs.

Apr 22, 2013

My Random Thoughts During a Monday Meeting

  • Why did camel colored Dockers become the pant of choice for men in their 50s?
  • Has X lost weight? I hope he doesn't have that cancer that he keeps saying he's going to get and die from.
  • I really like those glasses on Y. Tortoise shell was a good choice. What would he look like with an 80s Simply Red hair cut?
  • How did she get so tan? Phoenix golf trip? She has nice legs that's for sure but that skirt is definitely way too short and the shoes look cheap. Isn't she freezing with bare legs? I like her necklace. She always accessorizes so well.
  • I hate this sweater I'm wearing. It's shedding what looks like pubic hair onto the notes I'm sharing with my colleague. Fantastic.
  • I bet that guy wears a spandex unitard and is part of a road bike pack on the weekend.
  • Where did Mr. IT get that bangle? It's a men's version of mine. Imagine if we were in this secret society whose members wore a single white gold bangle...
  • Are those suede creepers? That's hilarious that his other car is a 70s Fire Chicken.
  • Mr. Blue Shirt needs to simmer down. Agh, he's always so angry.
  • 98% of the people at this meeting are probably eligible for retirement. What are they doing here?
  • Good point whatever your name is. You always have good points. What is your job I wonder?
  • That a girl Z! Call his bluff! Did she color her hair again?
  • I can't believe Soul Patch beside me here is biting his nails - and making that sucking, biting sound while he's at it. So gross.
  • Shhh. I'm not having a panic attack. I shouldn't have had that double long espresso before the meeting that's all.
  • I like Mr. Spandex Unitard's leather bracelet. I wonder what the story is behind it. Doesn't match his Dockers and ugly shirt. He's quite handsome actually. I wonder if he has a wife and kids.
  • It's freezing in here. I can't believe I'm wearing jeans, boots, a tank top, wool long john shirt and a mohair sweater and I'm still freezing.
  • He's actually saying something that isn't a jumble of words that are trying to cover for the fact that he really has no clue.
  • I will not grab a muffin, for the ride home

Apr 12, 2013

A couple pics of my place and some of my vintage finds

I've been good lately, well sort of. Nothing can come into the apartment until something goes out. The top pic is the guest bedroom and it's pretty much complete (after a year). Everything I sourced via yard sales and thrift shops - minus the day bed and book shelf (IKEA). My bud Rachel found me an original David Lance Goines for $3 at a local thrift shop - thanks I'll take it. Remember I collect his art? The Indian block print bedspread is from Etsy and the driftwood wall hanging is from the beach at Ambleside. I'm thinking about doing another coat of white on the walls. Gross, here's a post from a year ago and the old color. I still have four more macrame plant hangers. Where should I put them?  I was thinking of putting one in the washroom. Do you think it would it be too dark for a plant?

Apr 11, 2013

Scandinavian Pain

When I first saw this image I thought it was a funky Scandinavian bread shop. That's what happens when you live in a bilingual country. Thanks to Moderna Museet for informing me that Scandinavian Pain is actually an exhibition running this summer at their museum in Malmö Sweden. Ragnar Kjartansson's eleven meter neon sign, Scandinavian Pain, will be installed on a barn housing works by Edvard Munch - cheeky Swedes.
image © Ragnar Kjartansson

Summer Breeze