Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vintage. Show all posts

Apr 12, 2013

A couple pics of my place and some of my vintage finds

I've been good lately, well sort of. Nothing can come into the apartment until something goes out. The top pic is the guest bedroom and it's pretty much complete (after a year). Everything I sourced via yard sales and thrift shops - minus the day bed and book shelf (IKEA). My bud Rachel found me an original David Lance Goines for $3 at a local thrift shop - thanks I'll take it. Remember I collect his art? The Indian block print bedspread is from Etsy and the driftwood wall hanging is from the beach at Ambleside. I'm thinking about doing another coat of white on the walls. Gross, here's a post from a year ago and the old color. I still have four more macrame plant hangers. Where should I put them?  I was thinking of putting one in the washroom. Do you think it would it be too dark for a plant?

Apr 9, 2013

My Deck - A Preemptive

'Imagine if it was sunny now until November?' The Easter long weekend in Vancouver was gorgeous! The thing about Vancouver weather is, you can't trust it. As a kid growing up here it sucked. You'd leave your Barbies outside in their Barbie motor home on a hot summer night only to have them soaking wet in pissing rain the next morning. Camping - same thing. How many times have I woken up in a flooded tent?

We took advantage of our four days of nice weather and started our Spring planting on the deck. The plant collection has grown a lot since we moved in a year ago. This year we're trying a herb garden. My first one. I've had bountiful vegetable gardens before but I don't want to attempt one on my deck - I need room for lounging. My climbing rose bush survived its first winter. I cut all the leaves off it and it's come back nicely - and so have the aphids. I've planted peppermint around the bush but I don't think it's mature enough to keep them away yet. Any suggestions on how to get rid of these jerks?

It would be great if you'd sign up for my monthly newsletter, The Jewel! Just enter your email up at the top of the page and let me know if you'd like a mobile or desktop version of it.
Thanks for your support! ~ Stacy

Apr 5, 2013

9 Tips to Survive The Flea Market of the Year

We wait all year for this and if you've been reading Bijou Living for awhile you may remember me writing about it before - The West Van Seniors' Flea Market. This Sunday at the West Van arena (behind the Community Centre) come on out! If you're looking for furniture this is the place - head right to the back.

Everything goes 50% off at 2pm so make it a day.

Heed my advice:
  1. do not bring anyone with you who doesn't like crowds
  2. bring a larger bag - like those blue Ikea ones, to put all the little bags you accumulate in
  3. there are certain people who will try to shove you out of the way - do not let them! Turn to them and: a) give them the crazy lady eyes until they stop or b) firmly say, 'Excuse me but I'm standing here'. Seriously - be firm
  4. there are lockers in the washrooms in the Community Centre if you want to stash your stuff until the 50% off sale at 2pm. Go and explore some West Van architecture, go to the Sally Ann on 16th and Marine, chill out at the beach in Dundarave - or perhaps find a new apartment to rent - there are tonnes in Ambleside and you'll be surprised by the price.
  5. bring water, snacks and ibuprofen (sometimes I bring ear plugs). There's a Bean Around the World coffee shop in the Community Centre, (have the vegan gluten free cookie)
  6. dress in layers or leave your coat in a locker
  7. remember the people working the market are volunteers - seniors from the West Van Seniors' Centre - respect them. If you witness someone disrespecting a senior tell them so, (or hope I'm nearby and I will). Some of these seniors are frail and certain people try to intimidate them to get what they want. Trust me, you'll see it, don't let it happen.
  8. do not let people shove you - stand firm. Politeness goes out the door with some people.
  9. Imagine yourself in one of those rolling sound proof plastic bubbles gliding around the market - it helps.
UPDATE: I have The Jewel Newsletter up and running again - after a four year hiatus! Sign up at the top of the page or by filling out this subscription form. The newsletter will contain different content than my blog and Facebook page and will be delivered monthly. Oh - and the Bijou Living Online Shop creation is well underway and will be opening soon! Think I'm going through a manic phase ;-)

    Mar 4, 2013

    In the haze of last week

    Last week's adventures began with a mild case of food poisoning, (obtained at a book club dinner with Fareed Zakaria), continued with a rash of meetings, (under food poisoning haze), which also included a Lululemon luncheon at the Board of Trade (yikes), and ended with me slumped over the computer Friday night browsing Etsy and Craigslist, (which also led to my email being hacked).

    Here are some pieces from my search:


    from top:
    Men's vintage Stacy Adams boots
    Church pews for $250 in Vancouver
    Vintage bikes in Abbotsford
    Men's gray vintage Stacy Adams boots
    Teak dresser for $60 in Armstrong
    Where was this when I was a kid? Stacy necklace
    Banker's desk for $25 in Chilliwack
    Block print fabric
    Vintage wooden boat for $1800 in the Fraser Valley

    Follow my meanderings on Twitter or Foursquare.

    Feb 20, 2013

    Mid-Century Danish Designer Sven Ellekaer

    available at The Elemental Garden

    via Lauritz

    via Lauritz

    available at eLaB Vintage

    available at Morentz

    via Lauritz

    Feb 7, 2013

    6 Swanky Lighters

    Mid Century Lighter
    Markers in Time

    Vintage Glass Table Lighter
    Olsen Vintage Market

      Lucite Sea Scene Lighter
    Magical Stuff

     Japanese Glass Table Top Lighter

    Hollywood Regency Table Top lighter
    Quaint Estate
    table top lighter and cigarette holder

    Feb 5, 2013

    Mid-Century Beach Home 1966

    Beach house on Hilton Head Island, South Carolina
    Built: 1966
    Size: 2,775 square feet - on three levels
    Materials: rough-sawn cypress siding, terrazzo floor, stainless steel conical fire hood, bookcases with metal connecting strips
    source: H&G Building Guide Spring 1967

    Jan 23, 2013

    I got pretty excited when I saw these

    and trust me, I don't get excited often. Jason Koharik takes vintage furniture and gives it a one two - that is, he beats it into better shape than it had been in its previous life. Koharik's philosophy is simple;

      'I look for the discarded and under appreciated. I value the beauty and potential of all things wood and metal. I collect them. I clean them. I fix them. I rebuild them. In some cases, I just place them in the right environment. I follow a use what you have mentality. Nothing goes to waste, that way everything has possibility'.

    For more of his amazing collection - entitled Collected - visit his site here. 
    You'll have to head to LA to touch it - available at Lawson Fenning

    all images © Jason Koharik

    Old Fashioned Granola Recipe