Spring = spring to my feet and get the dust off everything!
I picked up this clothes storage bag last week at IKEA, (along with some curtains). Why I have not had these bags to store my vintage clothing in for the past twenty years is a moot question. The orange sparkly number is my wedding dress.
The ocean is cleaning up as well. My, First Day of Spring Beachcombing Expedition, found this washed up on shore. Living on the Pacific Coast - and expecting debris from Japan soon - I find this piece eerie. It's a tsunami wave carrying books and a violin.
Flo giving me the stink eye.
Spring cleaning tunes. A gift for me from Vinyl Records on Hastings. Check out the inscription, it adds all that more. I'd bought a new sealed pressing of Leonard Cohen's debut album at Highlife on Commercial but it was totally warped and the first song - Suzanne - was scratched and inaudible. Another reason why old stuff is better than new. I couldn't get my money back from Highlife. I didn't trust buying another new pressing from them and was uninterested in a CD (I don't even have a CD player). I ended up exchanging it for the worst Tim Buckley album, that I turned around and traded as $2 towards a Bon Iver album at another record store. Highlife should've given me my $30 back.
Another Spring find - Veuve du Vernay minis! Make every excursion a celebration with these portable little fellas.