Jul 23, 2012

Boyd House - Another West Vancouver Home Demolition

Boyd House

Boyd House

Boyd House Living Room

Boyd House Fireplace Detail

Boyd House Living Area

Boyd House

Boyd House Front Door

Boyd House Kitchen

Boyd House Kitchen - above sink

Boyd House Dining Area

Boyd House Kitchen Ceiling

Boyd House Den

Pacific Northwest Coast Surf Boards

Boyd House Guest Bedroom

Boyd House Wall Texture

Boyd House West Vancouver Canada

Boyd House Master Bedroom

Boyd House Master Bedroom

Boyd House

Two weekends ago we were out for a rainy day walk and decided to follow some Open House signs to see what was up -  luckily for me I had my camera as we had stumbled upon Boyd House. Built in 1954 by Pacific Northwest architect Ron Thom, Boyd House reminds me of a mini Taliesin West in the rainforest. The exterior of the home is virtually impossible to photograph as it blends into the environment so perfectly - Frank Lloyd Wright would approve. Other Wrightisms are evident in the fireplace, the corner to corner glass walls (also seen at The Staples Residence), the angled ceilings, use of raw materials (cedar, concrete), the intelligent use of windows and skylights, and the overall sense of calm and stillness the home evokes. If you've toured a Wright home you know the calm and stillness I'm referring to. The home is settled.

Unfortunately, the cynic in me doesn't think that presenting this stunning mid-century Pacific Northwest Modern home in West Vancouver as, 'a work of art by renowned architect Ron Thom' will keep it out of the hands of Rondelle and Ronald McDonald and their McMansion loving ways. I highly commend Judi White and Robbi-Layne Robertson for presenting the property so thoughtfully - they have created a website specifically for Boyd House which not only showcases the home but also notes the importance of preserving what little is left of Pacific Northwest Midcentury Modern here in West Vancouver - please visit their site to learn more - ronthomhouse4sale.com.

At 1669 sq. ft, the same size as the mid-century home we rented in Palm Springs last summer, Boyd House, in my opinion, is the perfect size. Perhaps, just the perfect size for Ronnie's Escalade as well.

While we were touring the home architect Peter Pratt - son of mid-century West Van architect Ned Pratt, also came by for a look see. Pratt's comment about the home that stuck with me the most, 'The nice thing was, the concrete slab floors could just be hosed down'. Now that's an architectural feature I could live with.

More of my Boyd House photos here and out takes here.

PS - the home is listed at $1.9 million.

Jul 19, 2012

When I think it is bad

I think about this little guy.
The Blue Day Book, Bradley Trevor Greive, Andrews McMeel Publishing, 104pp, Buy this book.

Jul 18, 2012

How to Make Steamed Spot Prawns

these guys could've been steamed 30 seconds less

Here's another easy one.

What you need:
  • 1 lb fresh spot prawns - they really should remain in the shell (deveined) The legs and head creep me out though so we cleaned them.
  • a bunch of fresh tarragon
  • lime (optional)
  • a bamboo steamer
What you do:
  • lay tarragon in the steamer
  • lay spot prawns on tarragon
  • steam no longer than two minutes - not even two minutes for the guys without their shell
Serve with poached halibut topped with ginger, lime, and avocado. 

Jul 16, 2012

Vintage Chloe

1982 Chloe 
by Karl Lagerfeld

Jul 14, 2012

7 Cool Bathrooms

via The Selby

via The Selby

via Trulia

via vintage Architectural Digest

Schindler House

via Elle Decor

via The Selby

Jul 12, 2012

It is Official - I am Stuck in 1987

I was thumbing through my old mags and have come to the conclusion that I am stuck in 1987. 

 I want to wear this this weekend.

Pilgrim shoes!

Glitter star tights. Where were these when I was actually hanging out with rock stars - sorry, make that reasonable facsimiles of rock stars.

Grunge before the word was even invented.

Well, this outfit means I'm that weirdo at the gym that wears the old work out gear.

Dear Hipster Girls, these are not attractive. Never were, never will be. Stop wearing them.

I had this Calvin Klein set. I wish they still made it. Demi cups rock.

Estelle - my first and only super model girl crush.

I usually wear this to work.

Note - women have hair on their arms.


images Vogue September, 1987

Jul 11, 2012

A Masters in Street Smarts and a PhD in Common Sense

Hang Ten Jail

I [We] have a strategic plan. It's called 'doing things'. Herb Kelleher

- the most frustrating thing when one switches from entrepreneur to corporate employee is just that. You don't need a committee and a task force for crying out loud, it's a verb. Faire - to make, to do!  

Now do it.

What are they teaching in MBA programs now?

Jul 9, 2012

From the Archives - The Striped Shirt

Coco Chanel - Audrey Hepburn

Bridgette Bardot - Marilyn Monroe

Kurt Cobain - James Dean

Elvis - Tyrone Power

a vintage Russian navy uniform - The Cure

Duran Duran

Jul 5, 2012

A 700 year old West Van McMansion

A 700-year-old community was destroyed 'by accident.'

The District of West Vancouver 'accidentally' mowed down a grove of ancient old growth trees to make way for a construction road. Good job guys. I wonder if it was the same crew that stripped Weston Park of its beauty (which coincidentally opened up a $1 million view for the home owner across the street).

If the humans aren't tearing down perfectly good homes in West Van to make way for McMansions they're tearing down trees to make way for McMansions.

A 100 year old tree:
has fixed about 2,500 kilograms of carbon from the atmosphere
has converted 9,100 kg of carbon dioxide and 3700 kg of water
has stored up to 23-million kilogram-calories (a calorific equivalent to 3,500 kg of coal)
has made 6,600 kg of oxygen, which is sufficient for one person to breathe for 20 years
has drawn from its roots up into its crown (against the force of gravity) and evaporated into the atmosphere at least 2,500 tonnes of water. Every tree continually recharges the atmosphere with water in this manner, and when cut down, that amount of water is lost. (source: Living Tree Educational Foundation)

Thanks to Todd Major of the North Shore News for the post inspiration.

The Back 40