Jan 29, 2011

Jan 28, 2011

17 Things to Avoid at Work

  1. Absence - pull your own weight. Your team will resent you if you don't.
  2. Borrowing - Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
  3. Drinking - the unwritten 'rule' is one drink at lunch if your guest is having one. If you're a light weight like me don't even bother.
  4. Gossip - don't talk about others, you're beyond that.
  5. Gum Chewing - every time I see Johnny Depp at an event he's chewing gum and it looks terrible.
  6. Messiness - make it a habit early in your career to clean up your desk before you leave - this includes putting pens and paper clips away.
  7. Obscene Language - avoid using expletive adjectives - this may require extreme concentration.
  8. Over Zealous Office Decor - keep it simple. One or two photos of family/friends/pets, and framed professional designations. The attention should be on you not your nick nacks.
  9. Personal Comments - don't comment on someone's appearance if they look ill or thinner or heavier.
  10. Personal Problems - keep it to yourself. You won't hear the CEO complaining about his or her spouse or finances.
  11. Romance - keep it out of the office. Messy, messy stuff.
  12. Shouting - get up and go over to their desk or call them - don't yell their name out.
  13. Smoking - just because you smoke doesn't mean you get extra 'smoke' breaks. No one likes the smell of second hand smoke when you walk in after your break either. Take the time to wash your hands.
  14. Soapboxing - the meeting wasn't held for you and you only. Share the floor.
  15. Temper - grow up. I'd hardly call it 'motivating others'. Who do you think you are - that kid that didn't like getting books for Christmas?
  16. Wasting Others' Time - learn to read body language. A glance at the clock, tidying up the desk, standing - these all mean time to say goodbye.
  17. Wearing Cologne or Perfume - I once worked with a woman who wore a scent that actually made me angry. I think it was called Angel.

Jan 27, 2011

My Current Fix

Harris Tweed

Harris Tweed
image Stacy Reynaud

Jan 26, 2011

Quote of the Week - Eustache Deschamps

Friends are relatives you make for yourself.

Jan 24, 2011

Design Lover - Tree Slab Headboard

Hudson Signature Bed
platform bed with custom slab headboard
bucquet lamps optional

Jan 21, 2011

Facial Fur Has Hit Paris

Looking at the photos from the Adam Kimmel after party for his Fall 2011 menswear line I thought I'd been transported to a gig in Vancouver, or Seattle or Portland. You know what that means folks...

Oh, and it looks like Extra Happy Ghost released his 1990's Braindamage just in time.

For more images go here.

Quote of the Week - Leonard Cohen

Act the way you'd like to be and soon you'll be the way you act.

Jan 20, 2011

Oh look...

Gucci is showing fuzzy mohair sweaters for Fall Winter 2011. Remember my post from December 15, 2010?

A Rather Handsome Mod Couple

circa mid 60s
on her - London Fog Maincoat, Chanel bag
on him - pinned collar, skinny-tie, sexy middle finger ring, hot hair, London Fog trench

I can find these vintage London Fog coats quite easily, so if you're interested in one, email me, and I'll try and find what you're looking for.

photo via ephemera

Jan 18, 2011

Style Inspiration - Vintage T-shirts a la George Carlin

My favourite is the one in the mug shot. In some larger photos it looks like two dogs with their heads back to back but who knows.
Wear with Harris Tweed.

Jan 17, 2011

Weekend Stuff

images Stacy Reynaud
cool men's hand knit sweater with wood buttons $13 - Burquitlam VV (in the women's section) go get it!

vintage crystal table lamp from the Salvation Army $19

my stylist JD at Suki's downtown

West Coast Modern house for rent on Palmerston in West Van - good price but obscenely huge for two people and two cats

a sweet VW

Keefer Lounge

Keefer Lounge test tube lights

I hope you had a good weekend.

We checked out Blue Valentine (oh my Ryan Gosling) on Friday night and then went for cocktails at Keefer Lounge. If you've ever been in, or are currently in, a long term relationship go see Blue Valentine - I couldn't sleep after it. Saturday was an extremely long day at the beauty parlour having the chlorine from our wonderful city water taken out of my hair (it goes green). I unexpectedly dropped by Gravity Pope to be unexpectedly greeted by the new Isabel Marant collection. I left with a top and some Filippa K trousers - that's what happens when you have a sales associate that knows your style! I've been dying to live in a house and stumbled upon one for rent up the road from our apartment so I checked it out. I must admit that after living in an apartment for thirteen years I might be a little freaked to live in a house. Sunday I felt guilty so we hit the thrift stores. Good thing because I walked out with some vintage Gucci tux pants ($15) and a Krizia sweater dress ($13).

Jan 15, 2011

Is it Counterfeit?

Brad came home with a counterfeit sweater yesterday. Not to be a braggart but I knew it was counterfeit the moment he took it out of the bag.

Two obvious reasons from ten feet away:
  1. Ralph Lauren would have never done such a terribly cut neckline
  2. It had the metallic sheen of acrylic
Up close:
  1. The "100% cashmere" was closer in texture to 100% scouring pad
  2. The label
  3. The headless horseman
  4. It melted when we did the burn test
He bought the sweater at a Gastown consignment shop and was royally choked when I pointed out why his new $75 sweater was counterfeit. He tried to take it back. He was told their 'fabric expert' decided it was probably a cashmere acrylic blend that had mistakenly been labeled 100% cashmere. Pardon my language but WTF? Strip that person's 'expert' title just for using those two words together. While I'm at it, strip that store of their business license for selling counterfeit products and arguing with customers for wanting to return them. Now he's stuck with a nontransferable credit note that expires in thirty days. Caveat emptor.


See my rant on cashmere misrepresentation here

Jan 14, 2011

Jan 13, 2011

Quote of the Week - Charlie Chaplin

To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain, and play with it.

Jan 12, 2011

Music and the Sense of Smell

I was deep in thought in the comfort of sauna car this evening when I realized something on the radio was taking me on a vividly pleasant journey back to a place of heavy air scented with dry ice, mildew, pot, and twenty years of spilled drinks. A small sweaty room filled with second hand leather jackets, skinny cords, running shoes and greasy hair - the mid 90s. I looked down at the face plate and it read, 1990's Brain Damage. That explained it, some '90s hour' on satellite radio and they're playing a recently discovered, unknown until now, demo track by Thurston Moore and his second cousin.

No. My vivid trip was courtesy of Extra Happy Ghost!!!. One guy. From Calgary. In 2010.

Thanks for letting me remember the 90s were really awesome, Mr. Extra Happy Ghost!!!.

play 1990's Brain Damage

Jan 11, 2011

Tip of the Week - Dinner Attire

mom and dad 76
mom & dad 1976
(my Grandma wrote on the back - Sonny & Edna in their best look)

Opt for midnight blue as it looks blacker under artificial light than black, which can have a greenish hue.

Jan 10, 2011

Men's Style Inspiration - Tom Ford

Why do I always picture Tom Ford with a short Rum & Coke?

Jan 9, 2011

Street Style - Don't let it Fool You


Marketers are everywhere.

Jan 8, 2011

Women's Style Inspiration - Stage Door 1937

The first thirty minutes of this film could be an entire collection. A must see.

Jan 7, 2011

What He Wore

On Christmas Break Walks

baggy knees, bushy beard, vintage jacket, vintage scarf, fiddler's cap

Jan 5, 2011

Quote of the Week - Lucille Ball

I'd rather regret the things I've done than regret the things I haven't done.

Jan 3, 2011

Design Lover - Ico Parisi Valet

Mid-century Italian design in solid walnut with brass hardware by Ico Parisi. Available here.
photo via 1stdibs

Jan 1, 2011

How I spent the last day of 2010

As expected there was a lot of good stuff to be found. Particularly menswear. I only bought the Aquascutum coat, two women's vintage Givenchy suits, a vintage 1978 men's blue leather provincial champ jacket that I visualized Ryan Gosling wearing and some sterling tear drop earrings. If I was doing the Manhattan Vintage Show in February I could've stocked up majorly - however, I do have a great idea for a 'reality' show so email me if you know anyone I can pitch to.

vintage Aquascutum Harris Tweed Overcoat
exceptional vintage pinstripe suit - look at that lining and tell me where quality has gone.

vintage Rice coat with Borg faux shearling lining

industrial chair and 1970s RCA clock radio

disgustingly good but only twice a year - Japa Dog Veggie Terrimayo (no onions)

early 60s Italian alligator pumps

vintage hand made men's shoes

1980s Stacy Adams men's ankle boots
vintage 70s Kings of Lloyd (German) men's shoes
deep in visualization mode
images Stacy Reynaud

Doused in Mud Soaked in Bleach