No one likes a sunburnt head or what comes off it
Number 2.
You never know when your plumbing will fail
Number 3.
Your Axl Rose impression just feels better done with an Hermès
Number 4.
You're a classic and so is it. Hermès, LVMH and Dunhill/Rolex are some of the few luxury brands showing revenue in these 'hard economic times'
Number 5.
If you decide to become a robber at least you'll be a fashionable robber. Stick 'em up...
Number 6.
Playtime. Silk feels so nice on bare skin - your partner will attest to this. Stick 'em up...
Number 7.
There comes a time in a woman's life when we have to lay the leopard print down and pick up the Hermès
Number 8.
Grey Gardens (2008)
Number 9.
You never know when you'll be whisked away in a convertible
Number 10.
Whole Foods has made the Hermès scarf bag mandatory (see the video below)